Great Lakes NADD Representatives Randy Passig and Meredith Wille, LVT CCRP CCFT, will team up for their first event together this May to handle mobile dock operations. Randy is from Southwest Michigan and helped start a facility in Niles, called Michiana Diving Dogs, about six years ago.
“The opportunity came up to operate a mobile dock and I took it. I have a dog that really enjoys jumping and seeing how excited she gets when she jumps in the pool made me so happy that she found her favorite thing to do. That made me even more addicted to the sport. Watching all the dogs with their passion for jumping just makes it so much fun.,” he said.
Meredith is from Pittsburgh, Penn. “I have been involved with animals since I was very young, presenting educational programs through the local zoo alongside my mother. My passion continued while presenting free flight bird shows at zoos and wild animal parks around the country,” she said.
It has been more than 20 years since Meredith got involved in organizing canine competitions and fell in love with Pharaoh Hounds. “I have competed in agility, rally, obedience, confirmation, lure coursing, and more recently dock diving. Knowing that I have a breed not well-known in dock diving, I was ready for the challenge and determined to show how versatile Pharaohs are.”
Her dog, JR, has excelled in the sport. “I really enjoy sharing my enthusiasm for the sport and helping others start, excel, and achieve new heights. Being part of the management team for Great Lakes Mobile Dock is quite exciting and I look forward to an amazing season for all,” she said.